Enigma album list
Enigma album list

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enigma album list

Story or review, you must be logged in to an active personal account on Facebook. This autumn, STRATOVARIUS will hit the road in Europe with Tarja Turunen on the "A Nordic Symphony '18" tour. Oblivion (brand new studio song recorded 2018)īrand new orchestral versions (all recorded 2018) Burn Me Down (brand new studio song recorded 2018)Ġ7. Enigma (brand new studio song recorded 2018)Ġ4.

#Enigma album list full

This spirit truly makes "Enigma: Intermission 2" closer to a full new studio album than to a mere compilation.Ġ1. The sweeping melodic power metal grandeur of STRATOVARIUS, together with Timo Kotipelto's powerful yet emotional voice, is very much present on all of the 80 minutes of this release. The official song stream video for "Oblivion" is now available below. Or "Kill It With Fire" and "Castaway", two epic and full-blown power metal tracks that were previously only heard by Japanese fans. Both combine an epic melody with a bombastic chorus and heavy riffs for STRATOVARIUS's trademark sound and remind of "Unbreakable" from their 2013 album "Nemesis", the most streamed song in the band's history. Take "Enigma" and "Oblivion", for example, fresh from the studio in 2018.

enigma album list

With over 30 minutes of brand new material and 50 minutes of previously rare metal, "Enigma: Intermission 2" is definitely more killer than filler! The album is similar in concept to "Intermission", released 17 years ago between "Infinite" and "Elements", in the sense that these seven tracks made in 2018 are completed by nine very rare, very-hard-to-find power metal gems. Due on September 28 via earMUSIC, "Enigma: Intermission 2" features three brand new songs as well as, for the first time in the band's history, four beautifully arranged orchestral versions of popular STRATOVARIUS songs. Finnish metallers STRATOVARIUS are back with a new album - with some fresh and some very rare material.

Enigma album list