Step 4: Miscellaneous Trophies & Spending 100,000 ETO on Clothes = 1-5 Hours He has a Cargo Drone that you can climb on top of and fly up to any roofs. The best character class to play for exploration is the Construction Worker. Don’t do them across different characters as it can result in the trophy not unlocking properly. Also be sure to do all Drinks / Darts / Paste Ups using the same character. This helps towards the 100,000 you need to spend on clothes. When you go to the pubs for Drinks & Darts, be sure to look out for red safes. You get around 1000 money from each (~25,000 from pub safes in total). Darts (21 total, all required, Combine with Drinks).Drinks (26 total, all required, combine with Darts).Tech Points (after the story you’ll need roughly 100/130 Tech Points to unlock all Skills.Red Icons / Borough Activities / Oppression Defiance Missions (22 Oppression Defiance Challenges to turn all Boroughs defiant).Step 3: Open World Completion (Turn Boroughs Defiant + Collectibles) = 15-20 HoursĬlean up your Open World Completion after the Story. However, because they give good amounts of money towards the 100,000 for clothes it’s good to do them all anyway. The questlines continue for a while after getting the trophies. It’s worth noting that the trophies don’t require you to finish all side quests in the game. Refer to those trophies below for further instructions. Hamish (2 Quests: Third Degree Burns > Parks and Reclamation) – England For Everyone.Nowt (6 Quests: The Knowledge > STORMZY Fall on My Enemies > The Walk-In > Human Error > Nobody Home > Royal Treatment) – A Roof Over Your Head.Kaitlin (6 Quests: Out of Stock > Deal Breaker > Called 2 Account > Take it to the Bank > Say Cheese > Change of Heart) – In The Nick of Time.Bagley (1 Quest: Finding Bagley) – The One That Got Away.The following people’s questlines give trophies: The Side Quests start in your DedSec safehouse. That way you can rest assured all side quests will be available to you. To keep things simple, do them after the story. Some Side Quests aren’t available until after the story. All other trophy-related Characters/Skills are automatic from Story & turning all Boroughs defiant so don’t worry about the rest.They are random spawns, so be sure to recruit them when you see them (with a lot of luck they can even appear on the initial character selection screen): Video Game Designer (Meta-Gaming ), Someone with Paintball Gun: Artists / Street Artists / Muralists / Illustrator (Paint Me Like One of Your… ), Living Statue (You Don’t See Me! ) Watch out for people with the following Occupations for trophy purposes.It’s better to spend it all in one go with the same character because the trophy is known to glitch out when doing it across different characters. Don’t waste any money! Also don’t start spending money on Clothes until you have 100,000. You must spend 100,000 money on clothes and after doing all other trophies (all missions, side quests, trophy-related activities) you will just barely reach 100,000. Don’t waste money on Weapon Skins / Vehicle Paints, except for buying the cheapest one of each for trophies.Here are a few important notes to keep in mind:
However, you can feel free to mix things up and do some Open World Activities, Side Quests, and Miscellaneous Trophies as you go through the game. The full world map is accessible from the beginning. This reduces the amount of open world collecting you need to do. The reason to focus on Story first is that you get plenty of Collectibles, Tech Points (Skill Points), and Money automatically. Just play with Permadeath turned off, you can select this only one time when starting a New Game (cannot be changed later). DON’T play in Permadeath mode! Permadeath could complicate some trophies if one of your characters dies. It’s highly recommended to turn off Permadeath Mode. Your first step should be to beat the story. Step 1: Play through Story (Any Difficulty) = 8-12 Hours You can still do everything after the story in free roam. Nothing is missable, everything can be done on easy difficulty, and there are no online trophies. Most time will be spent with open world activities.

You don’t have to 100% the game for platinum, what you need is closer to 70% completion.

The trophy list is a good mix of everything: Complete the Story, do Side Quests, and do most of the things in the Open World. What makes it different from the previous Watch Dogs games is that you can recruit any person you see.
Welcome to the Watch Dogs Legion Trophy Guide! Watch Dogs Legion (WDL) is the third entry in the series and takes place in London.